I am very blessed to have three beautiful babies. Each one was made out of love, but each one came into the world in different ways. I have always seen birth as a natural thing. Being raised on a farm I have seen lots of animals giving birth. I admired the mothers as they brought their young into the world. It seemed like they knew what was happening. There was no screaming or much noisy from them. I wanted my birth to be the same.
With my first child, Matthew, I had him at the county hospital. I was determined to have a natural birth. After going into labor on a Saturday morning and going to the hospital, they decided I was in labor but not dilated enough to stay there. I went home and got ready for my bundle of joy. I had my baby shower that night as planned. After the shower, I went back to the hospital. The doctor decided that things weren't moving as fast as they wanted. They started the drugs. The contractions got harder. Finally my baby boy came into the world that Sunday at 5:31pm without any drugs for pain. After his birth I had to go into surgery to be sewed up. His birth wasn't what I wanted or hoped for. I was glad to have him here but I felt like I was robbed of the precious first moments with my new baby.
When I became pregnant with my daughter, I decided to go to a different doctor and hospital in hopes for the birth I wanted. Unfortunately, I did not get the birth that I wanted. I went to the hospital on a Sunday night. They decide to induce me that next morning because of high blood pressure. The pain was far more than I could handle. I ended up getting an epidural and being sewed up once again. Her birth was better than my first but I felt that I got cheated out of that dream birth that I truly wanted a second time.
I decided when I found out I was pregnant again I was going to do things my way. I wanted a homebirth. My husband was against it. He was worried about what could go wrong. I felt I knew my body. I wanted to bring my new baby into the world with people that loved him. I wanted my other children to be there. I wanted a birth that would go the way I wanted. I did not want a doctor there to tell me what to do.
Waiting for my Nicholas to get here seemed like forever. We were going by two different due dates which were weeks apart. The first due date came and went. Then the second date came and went. I was started to become a whining pregnant woman. Finally at three days over due I began to notice that things were about to start. I went to bed but was up and down all night. I was not in pain, but I was just uncomfortable. The next morning I told my husband to go to work but I was pretty sure I was in labor. My first two labors were long until my water broke then they went fast. I started my morning like any other morning. I went out and milked the cow and goats. I got the rest of my animals fed. I came inside and started getting the house ready. My contractions were ten minutes apart.
I called my friend who was an OB nurse and told her how I felt. She said it sounded like the real thing this time. I called my midwife. We decided that she would come when my contractions were 5 to 7 minutes apart or when my water broke. I called my husband to tell him that he better be heading home. He came home and watched the kids as I stayed in our bedroom relaxing the best I could and working through the contractions. They were not too painful just uncomfortable.
My husband made lunch and I ate to keep up my strength for what was going to come. I went back to our bedroom while he stayed in the living room with the other two kids. A strong contraction came and my water broke at 12:45. I called my midwife but could not get a hold of her. So I called my friend to see if she could come just incase the midwife could not get here in time. She came within minutes.
My midwife and her assistant got to my house about 30 minutes later. My contractions started back up about the time they got there. The contractions started at eight minutes then moved to what felt like nonstop within a very short time. The only place that I could get relief was sitting on the toilet. I sat there with my husband standing there trying to help. Then my midwife knew the time was here, she checked and I was fully dilated. They helped me move to the birthing chair. With just four pushes my perfect baby boy came into the world.
My midwife put him in my arms. I stayed sitting in the chair until I passed the placenta. Then they moved me to the bed as I held my son. I got to feed him right off. Then my husband got the other kids that were in the next room. They fell in love with their new baby brother at first sight. My daughter was amazed by him. I can not explain the experience with any other word but amazing. It was one of the best moments in my life watching my two older kids see their brother for the first time.
After a little while, they weighted and measured Nicholas. He was nine pounds and 22 inches long. Even with him being my biggest baby I did not tear at all. I can not tell you how wonderful this birth was. I could not have asked for a better experience. It was what I dreamed of. I guess the third time is a charm.
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